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portfolio distribution

portfolio distribution by sectors

portfolio distribution by country

impact indicators

financial inclusion

all 1st investments are ≤USD 500k
average 1st investment is USD 250k
iungo is the 1st external financier for 43% of portfolio
26% of portfolio had only small bank overdrafts previously

gender inclusion & equality

84% of portfolio is 2X aligned
29% of portfolio has ≥50% women as shareholders and/or board members
71% of portfolio has ≥30% women in senior management
overall women staffing is 38%


32% of portfolio has ≥50% youth as shareholders
68% of portfolio has ≥30% youth in senior management
overall youth staffing is 60%


2,814 jobs created and sustained

business angels

100% of 1st round investments have a co-investing business angel

climate mitigation

reduction of tns CO2: 5,470 tns (scope 1&2)